Auto Table assembly instructions 电动麻将安装使用说明

If your table was PURCHASED FROM AMAZON,please check this instruction video before your assembly . 如果您的桌子是在亚马逊购买的,请务必在安装前先看这个操作视频。



简易四腿桌款安装视频/Simple 4-legs Model Assemble Procedure

  1. 28mm Japanese Black Table Instruction DTZ28-1 Video
  2.  4 -Legs Table Assembly Instruction 四脚餐桌型安装说明 KT00198
  3. Solor BST 4-Legs Table Assembly Instructions 安装说明 (PDF) / Video
  4. Solor BST Foldable Table instruction w cup holder香槟金折叠桌说明(PDF) / Video
  5. Thin Black Walnut 清韵 Assembly Instructions
  6. Thin Piano Black 苹果风 Assembly Instructions 
  7. MJ-MINI360 Utral-Thin Roller Coaster Folding Table Assembly Instructions Video
  8. MJ-C400 Roller Coaster Folding Table Assembly Instructions Video
  9.  MJ-MINI360 Utral-Thin Roller Coaster Style 4-Legs Table Assembly Instructions Video
  10.  T200 Folding Style Table Assembly Instructions Video
  11.  T200 4-Legs Style Table Assembly Instructions Video
  12. MJ-L600 Roller Costater Style 4-Legged Dining Table Assembly Instructions Video
  13. How to remove table board 如何打开麻将桌桌面板
  14. 电动麻将机操作說明書(详细版)
  15. Express Edition Mahjong Table Manual Book 电动麻将桌操作说明(简易版)
  16. Mahjong Table Convertible Modes 麻将玩法程序使用规则
            使用指导 User guides
            USAMJTABLE (Video#1) How to set a code for Mahjong Table 如何为电动麻将桌在加載麻將牌之前設置代碼


            USAMJTABLE(Video#2) How to load Mahjong Tile into an Automatic Mahjong Table 如何將麻將牌加載到自動麻將桌中


            USAMJTABLE(VIDEO#3) How does the control panel work for the Automatic- Mahjong Table控制板及其按钮功能介绍


            USAMJTABLE(VIDEO#4) Frequently Question solution About Mahjong Table 麻将桌状况排除.