USAMJTABLE ❘ Frequently Asked Questions
❘ How to change playing mode (#/tiles)?
❘ How to put 2 set of mahjong tiles into machine first time you play?
❘ What are the difference among 28mm 36mm 40mm and 44mm mahjong tiles? Which one I should choose? Could I use other size tiles for my 44mm tiles mahjong table?
麻将牌28mm,36mm,40mm 和 44mm 尺寸有什么区别?我应该选哪个尺寸?我买的44mm牌的麻将桌,可以放其他size的麻将牌吗?
Please see below introduction, it will help you find out the difference of mahjong tiles size and styles.
请点击此链接“麻将尺寸以及款式详细介绍” Please click this link "Introduction of Mahjong Tiles Size and Style"
Every size table only can use one size mahjong tiles, too large or too small will cause the table machine issues.
❘ Switch light is off and the machine didn't work.
Check the power supply
Check if the cable loose
Check if the the connection is bad, fuse links
The switch might be broken
Check if the transformer haven't power
❘ 操作盘上面指示灯亮,按升降键操作盘不动 / 机器工作时,按升降按钮操作盘不动
❘ Need to add the missing tiles into the working machine
Hold and press both lifting keys for 3-5 seconds, and then put the tiles
❘ Ugh, the tiles seem to stuck inside the table. What should I do?
Turn off table power, remove the frame, sheet panel and all related covers to unveil the tile track.
Look for the stuff that causes stuck and remove it.
A kindly reminder: please do not throw anything other than tiles in the table. Things like chip, coin and others will stuck the table.
❘ How to remove the extra dice?

Use a screwdriver to pry all of the rabbet of the glass lid up gently, take up the cover and take out the dice what you want, then you can put the glass cover away.

or pry the black frame up gently and take up the glass cover and take out the dice what you want, then you can put the glass cover and frame away.